Money is interesting, said BrainMind. It feels like we both love it and hate it at the same time.
Money's an energy that carries a charge
Some have it mastered, for some it's quite large
They equate it with greed and negative powers
Insensitive people in white ivory towers
Some seem to ignore it the best that they can
It comes in, it goes out, it seems there's no plan
Whatever they make is whatever they spend
And next week they go out and do it again
But some see a force that helps the planet to heal
It's solid and forceful, undoubtedly real
If we control it, and dole it with compassion and trust
Not blame money, for people with hate, greed, and lust
Jason is a very successful motion picture producer. Over the years he had made close to forty million dollars. Jason, however, was not prosperous. In fact he was on the verge of being totally broke. Frivolous spending, risky investments, and two divorces, had all but depleted his forty million dollar fortune. Jason is an unhappy man, but a great example of the fact that prosperity is not primarily dependent upon income.
Sarah was a public school teacher for forty-one years. For most of her career she was making under twenty thousand dollars a year. Her best year was just over twenty-nine thousand. Her total wages over her life was about two percent of Jason's income. Sarah however is very prosperous. She saved ten percent of every paycheck that she received during those forty-one years. She invested first in regular savings and later in higher paying long term accounts.
When Sarah retired at the age of sixty-five she had one million, seventy-three thousand, one hundred and sixty-seven dollars in her various accounts. Needless to say, Sarah is having a very active retirement. Sarah is another great example that prosperity is not dependent upon income.
Money is a very misunderstood energy form. Most money is not in bills and coins, but instead in electrons floating around in the world's financial computer network. Its relative value is always changing through such things as inflation and recession.
Economics is at best an art form. It would be difficult to call it a science when the world's leading experts always disagree. Relatively few ever master prosperity. Even for many who make a great deal of money, prosperity is no more than an elusive dream. A lot of very wealthy people spend much of their time worrying about money. Most people don't understand even the most basic principle of creating financial prosperity. It is that prosperity is not dependent upon income. Thousands of millionaires have gone bankrupt, and thousands with small incomes continue to become prosperous. People do not create prosperity by increasing their income, for usually that is at least how much money they spend. With increased income for most, comes a higher standard of living, a new car, fancy restaurants, wide screen TV, etc. Prosperity can only be created by saving and investing your money. The key is having the money that comes in make money before it goes back out.
There are three different types of attitudes that people carry about money. There is a small percentage with poverty consciousness, a small percentage with prosperity consciousness, and a very large percentage in the middle, who have a break-even consciousness.
Poverty consciousness is where there is never enough money and the bills are always overdue. What needs to go out always seems to be more than what comes in. Generally, if you give a person with a poverty consciousness even a very large sum of money, in a short time it will all be spent on things they consume, or on things that go down in value. They can receive a great deal of money and relatively soon there will be little or nothing to show for it. In fact it is quite likely that people with poverty consciousness will spend beyond their means and go deeply into debt. People like this can justify almost any expenditure by claiming to have been so long deprived of the luxuries that they previously couldn't afford. Saving and investing are for them completely unknown and unexplored territories. It is an alternative the is so foreign to their lives, it doesn’t really even occur to them.
On the other side of the spectrum are those who live their lives in prosperity consciousness, people who handle money effectively and who always have extra money. If you take away from a person with a prosperity consciousness, almost everything he or she owns, it is likely they will rebuild their resources and return quickly to the prosperity that they feel they so richly deserve.
These people do not necessarily have a large income. What prosperous people do is that they save and invest their money and they make their money grow. Often they invest the majority of their money in safe places, and take risks with the rest.
In between poverty and prosperity is the place where most people live, a place called “break-even” consciousness. Whatever comes in, that's what goes out. However much needs to go out, that's how much comes in. A great month and someone with break-even consciousness will buy something new. A slow month, and somehow their bills get paid. Extra money seems to burn a hole in their pockets. People with break-even consciousness make sure that they do in fact break even. If they make a little extra they spend a little extra.
If some emergency happens, somehow they come up with the money. It always works out even, nothing left over at the end of the month. The secret is to save and invest some of your money, and to continue to do so on a regular basis.
Here are some ideas about money.
Track all of the money in your life, what comes in and goes out.
Save and invest at least ten percent of every single dollar you earn.
Understand and appreciate what you receive in exchange for money.
Be generous some of the time and careful always.
Continue to increase the value of the products or services you offer.
Set new goals for income, savings and investments, each year.
Treat your current possessions as if they were very, very valuable.
Pay all of your bills on time, with a big smile on your face.
Spend time around prosperous people.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine your heart drifting up into your head. Then imagine a peaceful place. Make this quiet peaceful place you've chosen seem as real as you can. Imagine that you are receiving payment for the work that you do. Imagine that you are going to the bank to make a deposit into your checking account. After you deposit the money pretend that the first check that you write is for ten percent of that deposit and that you write it to yourself and put it into your savings account. Pretend that you do this every single time. If you find ten dollars on the street, a dollar goes to savings. Imagine that the savings account is growing larger and larger, because you pay yourself first. Enjoy the feelings of increasing prosperity and know you truly deserve it. Whenever it feels comfortable for you, take a deep breath, open your eyes, come wide awake. Then get yourself up and with passion, take your next action step.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine your heart drifting up into your head. Then imagine a peaceful place. Make this quiet peaceful place you've chosen seem as real as you can. Imagine that you have been saving ten percent of your income for many, many months and that it is now time to make a major investment. Imagine sitting down with an investment counselor whom you have carefully selected and discussing all of your options. There is a feeling of confidence and security as you realize that your money is about to begin really working for you. Financial security is on the horizon and it feels wonderful. Feel the sense of confidence and security continue to grow as you leave money problems farther and farther behind you. Whenever it feels comfortable for you, take a deep breath, open your eyes, come wide awake. Then get yourself up and with passion, take your next action step.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine your heart drifting up into your head. Then imagine a peaceful place. Make this quiet peaceful place you've chosen seem as real as you can. Imagine that you have been effectively saving and investing ten percent of your income for a while now and that it is time to make a major investment in building the dream house that you have always wanted. Imagine working with the designers and the contractors to create this ultimate home. Imagine the builder handing over the keys and the feeling that you get as you take possession of your beautiful new home. Know that this is the best investment that you have ever made, and it will surely continue to increase in value. Thank yourself for taking good care of your money, and know that you always will, and thank yourself for allowing yourself to make this dream come true. Whenever it feels comfortable for you, take a deep breath, open your eyes, come wide awake. Then get yourself up and with passion, take your next action step.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine your heart drifting up into your head. Then imagine a peaceful place. Make this quiet peaceful place you've chosen seem as real as you can. Imagine that you have been successfully saving and investing your money for a long time now. Imagine how it feels to realize that you now have enough to last you comfortably for the rest of your life, and still your net worth continues to increase. You set a goal of creating life-long financial security, and now, due to prudent investing, you have finally reached it. You are set for life. Imagine sharing this wonderful realization with your loved ones, and notice how proud of you they are. Bask in these feelings of total financial security. Whenever it feels comfortable for you, take a deep breath, open your eyes, come wide awake. Then get yourself up and with passion, take your next action step.